Home AI for Marketing & Sales

AI for Marketing & Sales

A suite of solutions dedicated to marketers, to improve performance by combining transparent artificial intelligence, reliable data and business expertise.

For data-driven marketing

Attract and acquire more customers
Improving customer loyalty
Increasing customer lifetime value
Get faster insights from market research that makes a difference
Dedicate time and resources to leads most likely to convert
Co-ordinate marketing and sales activities more effectively

Everything changes, but the data remains.

Get the most relevant data for your marketing strategy, but above all learn how to govern, integrate, analyze, segment and operate it for every business need.

Thanks to our Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing models you can:

  • process huge amounts of data quickly
  • analyze and classify the data precisely
  • refine more accurate insight-driven predictions
  • suggest ways of activating data to achieve business objectives.

AI solutions and services for Marketing & Sales

Trend AI

To get relevant information on your trends of interest before competitors, monitor products and services, identify changes in the market demand, and therefore write content on the hot topics.

Retention AI

To understand clients, segment audiences and build customer loyalty, merging the data available on multiple touchpoints and easily integrating different platforms.

Relevanty AI

To enhance your Link Building and Digital PR strategy, with a scalable platform for branded content (the company side) and content monetization (the publisher side).

Anomaly AI

To promptly detect critical issues in terms of impressions and clicks on your website, starting from responses registered on Search Console.

Thanks to AI, we are increasingly accelerating the process of virtuous contamination and mutual enhancement of disciplines, aptitudes, methodologies and sectors.

Research & Development

Diversity and Inclusion applied to Alternative Data.

Proprietary Data and Alternative Data: Even more value, together.

  • Blog
  • Press releases
  • White Paper