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The Board of Directors of Datrix approves the consolidated preliminary figures as at 31 december 2021

Consolidated preliminary figures as at 31 December 2021[1]

Expected consolidated revenue increase continues reaching 11.5mln Euro (+28%), led by organic growth for 2.2mln Euro (+24%) – thanks to new customers acquired and the growth of current ones in the Group portfolio – and due to the contribution from the acquisition of Adapex[2] for 0.3mln Euro

360 customers served in the year, of which 34% abroad, up 20% compared to the previous year

85% of revenue earned in Italy, 15% abroad

60% of recurrent revenue

Consolidated proforma 2021 revenue expected to be 13.3mln Euro[3] (+48%), an increase led by organic growth for 2.2mln Euro (+24%), and the 2.1mln Euro contribution from the Adapex acquisition

73% of proforma revenue earned in Italy, 27% abroad

66% of proforma recurrent revenue

Expected consolidated Net Financial Position + 10.5mln Euro

Board of Directors’ meeting called for 29 April 2022 to approve the draft financial statements for the year and consolidated financial statements as at 31 December 2021

Datrix S.p.A., leader in the development of Augmented Analytics solutions and services, based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning models for the data-driven growth of businesses, company listed on the regulated market Euronext Growth Milan, organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A., ISIN code IT000546837, herewith notifies, following today’s Board of Directors meeting, a preview of the main non-audited consolidated results for 2021, in order to provide the market with pre-closure information.

We are delighted with the growth results achieved by the Datrix Group in 2021. The consolidated proforma turnover expected recorded a 48% growth compared to 2020, well beyond our expectations, thanks to new customers acquired and the growth of those currently in the portfolio, and the Adapex contribution

declares Fabrizio Milano d’Aragona, CEO at Datrix.

We have proved to be very transversal, at sector level and for the size of companies contacting us. This enables us to diversify business and reduce risks with a single customer or sector while, at the same time, increasing the scalability level of our business. Consistent with what we told to the market during the IPO, our internationalization process through M&A is ongoing and we are glad to be able to confirm that the integration within the Group of Adapex, the US tech company specialized in Data Monetization, is continuing in line with our expectations. We expect to see important cross selling results on both existing and new customers starting in 2022. For Datrix, investment in R&D and innovation are the key to support future growth and 2021 was also a turning point for us in that area. I would also like to point out that 2022 has started in the best possible way, the market we operate in, Artificial Intelligence, is not only growing considerably, it is revolutionizing all sectors. At the beginning of the year we announced some important new agreements, for example the one with Sella Personal Credit through our partner OCS, and some historical customers like Nestlé and L’Oréal have renewed their trust in us for 2022. Finally, in line with our growth strategy, we are effectively assessing concrete opportunities for the acquisition of new companies, to join our Group in a synergic manner."

In terms of trend and revenue breakdown from the sale of Group solutions and services as at 31 December 2021:

  • the business area AI for Marketing & Sales, 82% of the total, recorded revenues for 9.0mln Euro, +21% compared to 2020;
  • the business area AI for Data Monetization, 13% of the total, recorded revenues for 1.5mln Euro, +81% compared to 2020;
  • the Machine Learning Model Serving business area, 3% of the total, recorded revenues for 0.3mln Euro, +24% compared to 2020;
  • the business area AI for Fintech, 2% of the total, recorded revenues for 0.2mln Euro, +197% compared to 2020.

Expected consolidated Other Revenues are 0,5mln Euro, +8% compared to 2020.

The expected consolidated Net Financial Position is +10.5mln Euro (net debt for 0.2mln Euro in 2020), due to capital collected in the IPO process finalized in December 2021.

Business evolution:

  • for the ninth consecutive year Nestlé, leader in food & beverage, has confirmed its trust in the Datrix Group for data analysis projects to optimize the Italian digital properties, also assigning the Maltese ones to the Group for 2022;
  • for the fourth consecutive year L’Oréal Italia, leader in cosmetics innovation, has confirmed its trust in ByTek (tech company belonging to the Datrix Group) for data analysis projects to position and optimize the Italian digital properties;
  • Sella Personal Credit has started a project with Datrix to automate the reading, analysis and categorizing of all customer documents using artificial intelligence, to speed up the entire loan allocation process;
  • the FinScience Alternative thematic data (a Datrix Group tech company), related to more than 50 macro-trends, are being distributed on the Bloomberg Enterprise Access Point platform;
  • 3rdPlace (Datrix Group tech company) has been awarded the CS-AWARE-NEXT project financed by the EU, foreseeing application of AI solutions in cyber security. The project will be implemented with primary international research centres from 8 different countries.

Finally, Datrix communicates that it has appointed Francesca Cocco, Partner of Lerxi Consulting, to support the Group’s Investor Relations activities. Francesca Cocco has a consolidated experience in the sector and founded Lerxi Srl in 2013, through which, she supports the companies in developing relations with the Italian and international financial community, in order to build proactive financial communication and a prompt, transparent dialogue with the different Stakeholders.

This release, as well as all the financial press releases, have been uploaded to the Investor Relations section at the link: https://backup-datrixgroup.holeinonedev.it/investor-relations/comunicati-finanziari/.

  1. Consolidated figures not audited for the financial year ended as at 31 December 2021 ↩︎

  2. Adapex, for which acquisition was finalised on 8 November 2021 ↩︎

  3. Including Adapex since 1 January 2021 ↩︎